At first, wearing your Invisalign aligners for 22+ hours a day sounds easy. When you factor in the time you need for three meals, a few snacks, and your oral hygiene regimen throughout the day, you’ll quickly see that achieving this goal requires commitment, effort, and consistency. That said, there are a few things you can do to make wearing your aligners for the recommended amount of time each day easier. Here are four examples!
1. Use the Resources You Have
Do you have a timer on your phone? Then use it to track how long your aligners have been out of your mouth. The Invisalign app is also a great tool because it has a stopwatch that calculates how long it’s been since you removed your trays. Using resources like these is immensely helpful, especially toward the beginning of your teeth-straightening journey when you’re trying to find a routine that works for you.
2. Multi-Task When You Can
Since there is a limited amount of aligner-free time, you need to be strategic. For example, instead of sipping coffee throughout the entire morning, you should drink it alongside your breakfast (when your trays are already off). We also recommend soaking them in a dentist-recommended cleaner while you eat dinner or having your dentist give them a deeper clean during your progress visits.
3. Keep Travel-Sized Dental Products With You
When you’re done eating, you need to brush and floss your teeth right away to cut down on the amount of time you aren’t wearing your aligners. But what if you’re at the office, grabbing lunch with friends, or going on a date? That’s where travel-sized dental products come in! Keeping a small toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss with you at all times will make completing your oral hygiene routine when you’re away from home significantly easier.
4. Only Remove Your Trays When It’s Absolutely Necessary
Many patients get in the habit of taking off their aligners when their teeth are sore. Don’t! Remember, the more you wear them, the faster your teeth will adjust. So, only take them off when it’s absolutely necessary, like before eating or completing your oral hygiene regimen.
Bonus tip: If your teeth usually feel sore after progressing to the next set of aligners in the series, make the switch right before bed! That way, you can sleep through the initial adjustment period.
About the Practice
Our top-rated dental team at Rowley Family Dentistry is thrilled to offer our patients in Melbourne Invisalign, which is a basically invisible alternative to traditional braces. We’re also here to be an ongoing resource so you have a place to turn for answers, tips, and recommendations about life with clear aligners. If you want to schedule an appointment with us, then visit our website or call (321) 723-1772.