I’m Interested in Invisalign, But Can Veneers Straighten Teeth?

August 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — rowleyfam @ 9:13 pm
Lady shows off Invisalign aligners

A straight smile can bring many oral health benefits such as greater ease of hygiene, reduced enamel wear, improved chewing ability, and relief of jaw pain and headaches. Today’s dentists offer a range of treatments that can address alignment issues, and Invisalign and dental veneers are two of the most popular methods. Here’s a brief guide to how Invisalign and veneers differ in how they can straighten teeth out.

How Does Invisalign Realign a Smile?

Invisalign uses a sequence of customized clear aligners to gradually reposition the patient’s teeth, and treatment usually lasts for six to eighteen months. A few significant benefits of Invisalign are that these clear aligners are virtually invisible and can be easily removed for meals and oral hygiene. This allows Invisalign patients to forgo the bothersome dietary restrictions and conspicuous metal parts that come with traditional braces. Invisalign is best for addressing minor alignment problems, and more severe cases may be better treated with other orthodontic methods.

After you are approved for Invisalign at your consultation, your teeth will be digitally measured with a special scanning device to create a three-dimensional map of your mouth. Skilled technicians at a dental lab will use this data to craft your clear aligners so they fit your teeth perfectly. You’ll need to wear each set of aligners for at least twenty hours a day for about two weeks before switching to the next pair in the sequence, and each set will bring your teeth slightly closer to their ideal alignment. When your treatment is over, your smile will be beautifully realigned.

How Can Veneers Correct a Misalignment?

Veneers were first used as part of a costume on a Hollywood movie set, but they have since become popular cosmetic treatments. These thin ceramic shells are designed to be fixed over troubled teeth to conceal defects like chips, cracks, gaps, and stains, creating a beautiful and natural-looking new smile. In some cases, veneers can be used to address misalignments by reshaping teeth so they bite together in a healthier manner.

After you are cleared for the treatment, veneers can usually be placed in as few as two appointments over several weeks. During your first appointment, your dentist will administer a local anesthetic to ensure your comfort before removing a small amount of enamel from the teeth being treated. They will then take bite impressions to be sent to a dental lab before cementing temporary veneers on your teeth and sending you on your way.

You’ll come back to the office after your permanent veneers arrive from the lab about two weeks later. Then, your temporary veneers will be removed and your permanent set will be cemented in place. After any final adjustments, you’ll be ready to enjoy your beautiful and potentially better-aligned new smile.

During your consultation, your dentist will thoroughly evaluate your mouth to determine the best options for straightening your teeth. Veneers or Invisalign may be your path toward a gorgeous new grin.

About the Author

Dr. Nicholas Rowley earned his dental degree at Nova Southeastern University in 2010 and has completed hundreds of hours of continuing education courses to stay abreast of the latest developments in his field. He is an active member of the American Dental Association, the Florida Dental Association, and the Central Florida District Dental Association. His office in Melbourne offers general, restorative, cosmetic, and emergency dentistry as well as Invisalign services. To schedule an orthodontic consultation, contact his office online or dial (321) 723-1772.

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