The “Best” and “Worst” Candy for Your Child’s Teeth

October 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — rowleyfam @ 3:46 pm
Two children dressed like witches smiling behind jack-o-lanterns

Although spooky season is filled with fun costumes, apple picking, pumpkin carving, and other festivities, your child may be looking forward to the bags and bags of candy the most. Don’t worry – indulging in a piece or two won’t negatively impact their oral health, especially if you are aware of the “best” and “worst” Halloween candy. With this in mind, keep reading to learn which ones you should keep and which ones you should donate (as well as some helpful oral health tips for the holidays!).

The “Worst” Candy for Your Child’s Teeth

When sorting through your child’s bag of candy, consider donating the following:

  • Lollipops and other hard candies
  • Sour gummies
  • Pixy sticks
  • Caramels
  • Popcorn balls

Although delicious, these treats can easily result in a cracked, chipped, or otherwise damaged tooth, warranting an immediate visit to your child’s dentist’s office.

The “Best” Candy for Your Child’s Teeth

The “best” candies are the ones that are lower in added sugar. Dark chocolate is a great example! If your child isn’t a huge fan of the taste, then milk chocolate is a suitable alternative. There are also plenty of sugar-free options on the market today, which can help give you peace of mind when your child wants to indulge in their fair share of Halloween candy.

5 Spook-tacular Oral Health Tips for Halloween Season

Of course, choosing which candy stays and which candy goes is just the first step. To keep your child’s teeth healthy, you should also:

  • Help them implement a solid oral hygiene routine.
  • Encourage them to eat nutrient-dense foods first, like lean proteins and cooked vegetables.
  • Have them eat their candy with meals instead of separately.
  • Let your child exchange their excess candy for a different “treat,” like a toy.
  • Schedule their second dental checkup and cleaning of the year.

With these oral health tips and proactive steps to choose the “best” candy, you can help keep your child’s smile in pristine condition during Halloween and the rest of the holiday season!

About the Doctor

After graduating from Rockledge High School as the Valedictorian, Dr. Nicholas Rowley attended Florida State University as well as Nova Southeastern University. It’s been well over a decade since then, and he continues to pursue continuing education each and every year with professional organizations like the Florida Dental Association. If you have any questions about your child’s oral health – including how to keep their teeth decay-free during the holidays – don’t hesitate to visit his website or call (321) 723-1772.

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